Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cafe Dermaga, Pantai Mutiara, Jakarta

Apart from Riung Tenda, Cafe Dermaga was the second restaurant I visited in my less than a month's stay in Jakarta ( this is an outdated post =p). It is located by the sea and it simply reminded me of Langelinie (a housing area by the waters in Copenhagen).

From Cafe Dermaga, you could see boats and yachts floating on the waters along the tastefully and modernly designed houses.

According to the local, Cafe Dermaga is known for its Bakmi Sakaw. Actually, we all felt that it wasn't as spectacular as expected. Perhaps our expectations were already raised by recommendations given by friends. I tried the "kuey teow goreng" instead since I am not a huge fan of yellow noodles. Surprisingly, it (had a familiar and homely taste of "char kuey teow" back in Malaysia!!) tasted nicer than the Bakmi Sakaw. That was a pleasant surprise.

One more thing I noticed in local restaurants in Jakarta is that when the menu said "Orange Juice", they actually meant "Jeruk" instead of orange because the "Orange Juice" that was served certainly didn't resemble or  taste like the normal orange juice I had anticipated.


Doreen said...

You moved to Jakarta?

Petite Lass said...

Yup, about a month ago :)