Friday, July 12, 2013

Denmark : Skagen, August 2011

Summer is heaven in places where cold envelopes the air most of the time in the year. You will see many who hibernated in cozy homes for months will now be seen on the beach, sun-bathing, picnic or lazing right under the golden sun. Nothing brings more pleasure and satisfaction than that.

Also, at this time of the year, it is best to travel to northern part of Scandinavia, when it should be warmer (perhaps not a lot) than other time of the year.

We picked Skagen, which is situated on the north of Denmark where the North and Baltic sea meets. If you would like to get away from city life for a weekend but do not wish to get out of the country (Denmark), I recommend Skagen. It is known to have one of the most unique scenery city and captivating white sand beaches.

Trying to save on accommodation cost, we took a night train from København central station. If you can sleep just about everywhere and in any positions, it is indeed a good way to go on budget. The train was full of people (mind you, it was summer) and the sound of people leaving and entering the train can be disturbing. Not to mention, there is a potential risk of having stiff or strained neck. If you do not mind all these, then go ahead and plan a trip to Skagen via night train! :)

The train we just disembarked from. It was cool....

Many tourists and locals sat by the waters, enjoying the sun, beers and fresh seafood. Such a good way to spoil yourself in a sunny day :)

A walk in the Skagen town is satisfying, I assure you. Do pop by any ice cream shop and treat yourself to irresistible flavours of ice creams to complement the beautiful weather. It is comforting.

Now, beautiful and scarce things require huge amount of effort and patience to find. The place where the two seas magically meet is no exception. We walked for a good 3km or more. *Proud*

It wasn't too bad. We walked along the white sandy beach with cool breeze brushing against our cheeks from time to time. If you could bike and do not mind to bike against the wind, that could be a faster option :)

Look at the pictures below and you will agree it definitely worth the walk. Besides, it helps to burn the calories consumed from the ice creams :p

How sweet....someone buried a dead bird with love.

All right! I know curiosity is building up. How exactly is the scenery of two seas meet? Honestly, it is much more beautiful said than witnessing it. It looks ordinary through the lens of camera too.

The spot where all the people are standing is where the two seas meet. There is only a marginal difference on the picture which tells apart whether the beach is a home to one sea or a magical place for two seas to romantically meet.

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