Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Dark Knight

"You either die a hero or live long enough to see the bad guy you have become"

-The Dark Knight 2008-

I have finally seen The Dark Knight! The queue at the cinemas yesterday was rather intimidating. Not to mention the plasma screens kept reminding you that the seating was FULL for the next 3 sessions were upsetting. My sis and I actually expected that it would still be difficult to get the tickets as The Dark Knight is this summer's blockbuster. So, we had worked out back-up plans. We would see any one movie listed below if tickets for The Dark Knight are sold out, with the "most wanted" ranked number 1.
  1. The Dark Knight
  2. Red Cliff
  3. The Mummy 3
  4. Hancock

The truth is, tickets for all the 4 movies mentioned above were selling off fast. Seating for these movies were FULL and not to mention they were full for the next 2 or 3 sessions! Bet the cinema must be happy that its business is taking a good turn-point.We decided to queue our way up to the counter nonetheless. Perhaps those seats were booked by people who had yet to collect the tickets 45 minutes before the show start. We are still early. Once we were at the counter, we requested for 2 tickets to The Dark Knight. The counter-teller said only the second row from the screen was available, as expected. We took the offer.

It wasn't too bad except to adjust our sights to such near images. After the movie ended, our sight was a little blurry and we felt a little dizzy when trying to adjust to the light and objects ahead of us. LOL. Rather funny when comes to think about it. Things got better after a while. No major harm done so long it doesn't happen regularly.

The movie was great!! Although I have heard many positive comments from those around me, it managed to outdid the high expectations I had set basis on the information I gathered.

This sequel is a little different from the previous sequels in the sense that it has a good combination of action flicks, emotion twirls, and comedy. I like a couple of lines from the movie. I find them rather meaningful and something I could relate to.

I didn't know what or how does a Lamborghini look like until I saw this movie. LOL. Forgive my shallowness. At one point of time, I thought it was a kind of drink ~_~"

In some ways, I feel the character Joker is quite disturbing. It simply shows the dark side of human and a disillusioned person. However, there's something about this character which worth noting. One of his favourite saying is "Why so serious?" I do agree that sometimes we need to step back and stop being too serious. In that way, life is more relaxing and we can see the world from a different perspective. The movie brought up a very important reminder that human may change according to time or life experience but we should not succumb to evilness when we are distraught or when we are pushed to the verge. If we do, all the good we have done would go to waste. I agree that it's easier said than done as human are creatures filled up with emotions. Anyway, The Dark Knight had proven it is possible to be incorruptible. Perhaps, we need more perseverance.

Christian Bale is more gorgeous than I remembered. He has very sharp features. I love his eyes and his lips look sexy. From some angles and some pictures, he resembles Tom Cruise (my idol!).

P/S: Apologize if the opening quote of this post is not accurate. I couldn't remember the exact phrase from the movie. I suppose it's pretty close.

picture source:
warner bros

1 comment:

Doreen said...

Oh you seen it already! Aiya, me not yet. Dunno what am I waiting for, too lazy to get myself out of the house. LOL