Friday, August 22, 2008

SHMILY, where are you?

Those who read The Star newspaper would have probably come across this story before. I read it some time ago and I find it very heart warming and touching. Here's how it goes - a summarised version as I can't really recall the full details.

There's an old couple who plays hide and seek with each other everyday. However, the game is not about seeking the other person but rather seeking where the other person wrote the word SHMILY. Once the word was found by the seeker, he/she would then write the word at another place for the other person to seek. The word can be found on the house's window (with fingers if the glass is filled with vapour), table, floor or anywhere the couple find it possible to form the word.Though a simple game, it is significant to the couple and it makes their day.

Unfortunately, the old man's wife passed away one day. Nevertheless, the old man continued to play the game alone. He would smile at every thought of his wife discovering the hiding place.

I actually forgot who died - the man or the woman. Anyway, the gist of the story is still there =p

Now, you must be wondering what is SHMILY. Time to put on your thinking hat. All right, I will let you know but think harder first. LOL.
tada.....It means....
See How Much I Love You!

Sweet, isn't it? How many couples who are married for close to half a century would say these 3 words to each other and how many of them would still show affection to each other? If not mistaken, the above story is based on a true story. Aww,'s touching to know that there're people who hold the marriage vow closely to heart and would do the little things that perhaps only young couples would do during courtship.

Anyway, I think the 3 magical words are not only meant for your significant half but for those you cared about too. Mmm......speaking of that, I have a confession to make. I have never said these words to those closest to me although I really cared for them. Don't seem to be able to bring myself to tell them. The more I care about a thing or a person, it would appear to others that I don't bother at all. Gee, I am very bad at expressing myself explicitly.

What about you?


Anonymous said...

Sweet story really, I love it.

And yeees... indeed... I was wondering what is SHMILY:)and I could not figure it out :@ hehe

Good night ka =D


Petite Lass said...

Nay!!! You finally leaved a comment =D Hehe. Thanks for visiting my blog frequently. Have a nice day ka ;-)