Friday, December 12, 2008

Note from Petite Lass

Another year is passing me by. Looking back at the year of 2008, it is a long journey for me and I have grown up from various experiences. Some time this year, I went through an emotional turmoil. Nothing traumatic, though. Like others, I was searching for something in my life. I felt there was nothing I can be proud of in terms of career or life achievement.

Perhaps luck has found the way to me and there's a turning point which led me to an important project and thus, offering me the opportunity to fly to places I had never thought I would be able to go at my age. Though confronted with hectic and crazy datelines, I learnt a lot and got to know more people from all walk of life. It's an exposure which is valueable to me. Apart from luck, thanks to those who have helped me in every way.

2008 marked the birth of my very own blog. It's been in the back of my mind for a long time but laziness resulted in procrastination. When I first started out, there's zero traffic and I never revealed the URL to my friends. The idea of being "naked" to those around me wasn't appealing. It's more comfortable to have strangers reading my blog. However, as time goes by, I wanted to share some experiences and stories with my friends. Hence, I started to tell my friends I have a blog. Though the traffic is nothing compared to those who have more than a thousand hit per day, I am glad that it does have visitors even if there's only a reader. Thanks to all for your support. Your visit does make a difference and it's a form of encouragement for me to continue to blog.


Anonymous said...

Time sure flies huh? Another year has come to its end. *Sighs*

I think it's great that you're able to share your blog with your friends. I, on the other hand, am paranoid that any of mine is gonna stumble across my blog. You're right, it does make me feel pretty naked. Haha.

Doreen said...

Yeah, keep it up gal. Thanks for sharing all your experieces though I don't know you personally but I do feel like having you as a friend. (^_^)

Petite Lass said...

MisSmall - Oh yeah. We have about 3 more weeks to 2009! Hehe, I still haven't tell some of my friends about my blog.

Doreen - Though we have not met nor know each other in person, I see you as my friend =)It is nice having to share things that are happening around us with one another on a common channel. Maybe we will meet one day. Wish to go to Aussie and Kiwiland some day.


when you believe it become real. 2009 will be a good year.
your blog acts as reminder for lazy person like me to blog

Petite Lass said...

白 - Ah, shall take your word for it ;D Well, I think you have improved a lot. At least I see more posts now =p

Beverly's Secret said...

Happy Anniversary to your bloggie ^^

p/s: Beverly's Choice items are extremely limited. I have only one or two in stocks. Once they are gone, they are really gone, I won't repeat order :( Simply because I don't want everyone wearing the same accessories.
As for skincare products, I might do the repeat orders, so that everyone could give a try on it.

Anonymous said...

I think you can witness your own life journey from how you've grown from the past to present by reviewing past blogs. It's simply a snapshot of your life journey. Keep on blogging! I like the way you describe "naked" haha.

Petite Lass said...

Beverly'sSecret - Thanks. Ah, I see. Precious stuffs ;)

sdovelly - Oh yeah, I would take a look at my previous posts one day to see how I have grown. Thanks for stopping by. It makes all the difference.

Anonymous said...

Hi, you did a very good job on 2008 at least you had put a lot of effort and you are serouis in your work. keep it up... definately will have a brighter 2009. your supporter.

Petite Lass said...

CHER - Thanks. I am touched =) You yourself did a superb job. Become mummy (hot and young) already. A great achievement in life and now, in your career. Way to go. Catch up with you soon.