Saturday, January 24, 2009

Size Does Matter

Here comes the Giant,
Wrinkled and dressed in white,
Round and plump,
That's because.........

It's stuffed with chicken, egg, minced pork, and preserved vegetables. I easily passed that as "Tai Bao" (Big Bun - a bigger version of char siew pau) but my mom said people dubbed this Giant as "Yip Zhi Mei" Big Bun. Well, the ingredients used as the patty are not any different from that used to make "Tai Bao".

Just wanted to blog about Giant for fun =p Anyway, this is a rather outdated post as I ate Giant a couple of weeks ago. Pardon me for the poor quality of photos as I was hurrying to sink my teeth into the bun ;)



where to get this? i saw in cheras years back, dint get to taste

Petite Lass said...

My mom bought this as Subang Jaya's pasar malam (location: SS13 if not mistaken) It tasted like 大 包