Friday, February 27, 2009

I am Back!

Yes, I am back!! Felt like I had been living the life of a vampire for weeks. It's tiring and I was disconnected from the outside world. I missed reading my favourite blogs and catching up with my favourite T.V. dramas. These are petty things but they make my day.

You could say I am a workaholic to a certain extent. I could not stay away from my laptop even though it's extremely late (or should I say early for the following day) and my vision was blurring - sign from my biological clock that I need sleep. I look terrible with bloodshot eyes and dark circles against my pale skin (not to mention breakouts!!). A striking resemblance of a vampire, indeed. LOL. A family member of Edward Cullen's ;) I wish! Hehe. Pardon me, my brain is not really in the right order.

I am now going through my saved drafts and try to put up posts which I had intended too but yet to do so. See ya =D


Anonymous said...

apart from the tight schedules, do remember to take good care of your health & drink plenty of water k. cheers.

Doreen said...

You need a break my dear. Anyway, glad you're back.

Petite Lass said...

sdovelly & Doreen - Thank you lovely ladies :) You have always been the first to comment on my posts. It really makes my day.Take good care too, the both of you.