Sunday, June 28, 2009

My masterpiece...

Phew, I finally completed my mission! Instead of cooking Mapo Kimchi Tofu, I changed my plan. Tofu secretes liquid/water over time. Hence, the dish would have been very watery after keeping it overnight.

Still holding to my plan to use Kimchi as one of the ingredients, I decided to make omelets with Kimchi. Since my mom would not be around tomorrow to cook dinner, I prepared for tomorrow's dinner as well so that we don't have to cook after work.

Macorini with Kimchi and sausage. Shall serve with chilled Kimchi and fresh lettuce tomorrow so that the dish would look more interesting and colourful!
Omelets with Kimchi
Look good, eh? =p


Doreen said...

Kimchi omelette? Interesting, can't quite imagine the taste but I guess it should be quite nice.

Ming_Elspeth said...

I'm lucky to taste the Kimchi Omelette. Nice!!

The Macorini with Kimchi and sausage looks temptating too.
How's the taste? Okay?

Petite Lass said...

Doreen - Hehe....I think so :D Thanks for trusting my cooking skill ;)

Ming - Haha,..yeah it's ok (of course I will say OK hehe. I am the cook ;p) But yeah, it's edible. A different taste to the usual bolognaise or cream mushroom flavour. Am sure there's an opportunity for you to try that =D

renaye said...

oh it's kimchi pasta!


your hidden talent
all looks yummy