Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jerry Yan Appeared In A Thai Song MV - Love So Much

Sunday morning kicked off with songs exchanging spree between my sister and I. This time, she introduced songs by Jerry Yan. Both of us are never Jerry's fan. Anyway, some songs from his new albums are worthy to listen to. It would have been better if his pronunciation is more accurate. It's nothing like Jay's mumblish style but it's something to do with his pronunciation that affects the song in a whole. I am not sure how to explain that but it just makes some points deducted off from the full score.

While I was browsing through and listening to his new album, I stumbled upon a video called "Jerry Yan - Love So Much". I had never heard of the song title. Curious, I clicked on it. To my surprise, it was in Thai language but it's Jerry Yan in the MV. I read the description of the video and found that the creator edited Jerry Yan's recorded video and attached it to a Thai song.

It matched perfectly. Well done. The song is good although I don't understand Thai. Here is the video.

1 comment:

Ming_Elspeth said...

I agreed with you.. his pronunciation is rather blur in his song.
But, I like this Thai song, wonder who's the singer.. hmm..