Saturday, August 8, 2009

P.S. I Love You

It's a book and a movie that moves many hearts and causes many to shed tears. I had read the book myself - mmm, quarter of the book but enough to move me.

I finally managed to enjoy the entire movie today. I missed it once few weeks back in Bangkok. It wasn't that easy to look for the free source. Last night, I was watching from a "free site" and while I was drawing myself into the movie, the movie stopped playing and I had this message splashed across the screen: "You have watched 72 minutes of the video. You would need to wait for 54 minutes to continue watching or sign up here". Searching in youtube is a completely futile attempt. So, don't bother. If you have the patience to wait for the full movie to load, please see it here.

It simply lives up to its expectations and the reputation that it had earned. A definite must watch. Please prepare some tissues so that you don't have to use your blouse to wipe your tears or to blow your nose ;)

Dealing with the departure of someone dear to you isn't easy at all. Most people did not or have not planned their own death. Well, not planning how to die but planning for your dear ones should death come knocking at your door. It takes a lot of energy and effort to get over the grief and move on with life but if there's one thing you could do to help your dear ones, it does make a difference.

P.S. I Love You reminded me to do just that.

P.S. Thank you!

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