Friday, November 13, 2009

Another rainy day

It was rainy the whole day again. I was hooked up on the phone with the service desk as the guy on the other end tried to fix a problem with my application. It took about an hour! It was 8.30pm by the time I left office. Luckily, the timing was right to hop onto the bus.

My mind was racing as I was considering to cook for dinner or to eat out. My tummy was growling and it was cold. Well, I suppose you could have guessed it - laziness ruled in such a crappy weather. Again, I found myself returning to the Vietnamese restaurant. Tonight was my third visit in a week! I ought to get a life..LOL.

I plan to do some shopping tomorrow after a cleaning spree last Saturday. The Bilka magazine lying on my colleague's caught my attention this afternoon as I was speaking to another colleague. After asking my colleague, Bilka (supermarket) is located in a shopping mall! Aha,..killing 2 birds with one stone! While I could take a stroll in the mall, I could do some shopping too for my new home. I also plan to take some photographs around the town before all trees turn into complete baldness and before the weather turn unbearable even to stand outdoor for 10 minutes. Perhaps, I shall do that on Sunday while I dedicate Saturday for shopping. It is completely darkness as it strikes 4.30pm. So, I might as well do photography during the day. The photos would have looked better.

All right, I better retire to bed early as my eyelids are getting heavy now. Night!

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