Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fade Away...

Recently, I am hooked to Casa Nova and Bossa Nova songs. There's a newly found talent, Olivia Ong who sings really good Bossa Nova songs. I am loving her vocal and songs.

Olivia Ong, Fade Away


renaye said...

i'm loving it too. thanks intro. but i get confused between cassa nova and bossa nova. one is playboy and the other is playgirl? haha.

sdovelly said...

Hey gal, have not hear from you for some time...busy with work? or bf? :p

Petite Lass said...

renaye - No problem. Sharing is caring.

sdovelly - Hey beautiful! Yeah, it's been a while. Busy with work and now with a course (studying) which will end soon. I still have some mind block. Planning to write again once I am back to CPH. Thanks for checking out my updates! :D Hope you are well - personally and career wise.