Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Taiwan Trip Photos VII - LeoFoo Village and Doraemon Theme Park

After my last visit to theme park a couple of years ago, I never thought I would step my foot into another one that soon. Well, this is a much smaller one compared to Sunway Lagoon. I do not really recall the exact location but in Taiwan, it's known as the LeoFoo Village Themepark.

This is one of the scarce photos where we had a group photo and yet, it's not a full group! If I recall correctly, we were on our way to the "Jurassic Park" or the like. "Lost World"? Oh well, it's about dinosaurs. Basically, we saw huge figures of dinosaurs and the dinosaur-like species around.Interesting. LeoFoo Village dubbed this as Pagoda's Revenge. To most people, it's known as "Solaris Shot". Not that scary as the time allocated for the ride was relatively short. No time to scream! LOL Good one if you plan to swirl yourself to sleep. Doraemon Themepark! It's just located somewhat next to LeoFoo Village. Honestly, it's really a place for KIDS. How odd to see grown up like us standing tall among the little ones. Apart from Doraemon, the highlight of the themepark was the miniatures of famous places. Impressive and excellent for photo-shooting.Miniatures and Me :) Little Playland! Cannot recall what was that little building =p Boats and little vesselsWe did see quite a number of such manufacturing plants in Taiwan

1 comment:


the little 'smurf' place was the first place that made me wanna go to Taiwan when i was seven or eight watching taiwanese children songs video. hee hee... this place still exist