Sunday, November 8, 2009

Home made egg tarts!

Nah, I didn't make them. It was my friend's birthday yesterday. So, we went to another friend's house (who played the host for the birthday gathering) to have steamboat and celebrate the friend's birthday. It was a great evening. We cooked, ate, drank ( I tried apple cider with cranberries, champagne and a white wine - took a small sip each from the birthday's girl wine glass as she was commenting how great they taste. It was fine if it's just a sip. They are mostly slightly sweet.)

Apart from a blackforest cake baked by a Hongkie guy, we had egg tarts! They are all yummy. We were pretty impressed that the guy made delicious looking blackforest cake (not only looked good but taste just as good!) and the best part is, he didn't use butter! That's perfect! No need to worry about calories hehehehe.

There were too many egg tarts. So, we packed some back and I had them for breakfast this morning. Yummy!


Doreen said...

Egg tart is one of my favourite desserts. Haven't had it for a you've made me craving for it. Hehehehe

Ming_Elspeth said...

Home made egg tarts always the best!! I know how to bake it too. Miss it!!


why dont you learn from the guy and make some for us? am also egg tart lover